• 8d14d284
  • 6198046e

  • asphalt, floor tiles, gardens and other environments. The integral base plate of nodular cast iron is solid and durable. Hemm



  • This machine are ideal for curbs, gutters, around tanks, forms, columns, footings, guard railings, drainage ditches, gas and sewer works and building construction. The asphalt models are suitable for hot or cold asphalt applications in confined areas.Optimally suited for a variety of compaction applications due to high travel speeds and ease of maneuverability. Gwida għall-manku bil-vibrazzjoni brevettata li żżid il-kumdità tal-operatur u tnaqqas l-għeja. It-tank tal-ilma b'kapaċità kbira u l-ftuħ tal-mili wiesa 'jtejbu l-produttività. Il-pjanċa iebsa tal-ħadid duttili hija estremament durabbli anke f'kundizzjonijiet estremament u tipprovdi għal servizz twil. Kit tar-roti mhux obbligatorju joffri aktar ċaqliq u trasport aktar faċli.

    5月 17日 (7)

  • This machine are ideal for curbs, gutters, around tanks, forms, columns, footings, guard railings, drainage ditches, gas and sewer works and building construction. The asphalt models are suitable for hot or cold asphalt applications in confined areas.Optimally suited for a variety of compaction applications due to high travel speeds and ease of maneuverability. Gwida għall-manku bil-vibrazzjoni brevettata li żżid il-kumdità tal-operatur u tnaqqas l-għeja. It-tank tal-ilma b'kapaċità kbira u l-mili wiesa 'li jiftaħ il-produttività MProve. Tough ductile iron baseplate is extremely durable even under extremely conditions and provides for long service. Optional wheel kit offer easier moving and transport.


  • IMG_6907





    The working principle of a bidirectional flat compactor is as follows: the engine in the flat compactor drives the eccentric to generate vibration through the clutch and pulley, and the bottom plate and eccentric are fixed together. Biex tinbidel id-direzzjoni tal-vibrazzjoni, tista 'tinkiseb billi ddawwar il-blokka eċċentrika. Barra minn hekk, biex tinkiseb vibrazzjoni 'l quddiem, vibrazzjoni fil-post, u vibrazzjoni b'lura.

  • 企业微信截图 _16776524362842

  • This machine are ideal for curbs, gutters, around tanks, forms, columns, footings, guard railings, drainage ditches, gas and sewer works and building construction. The asphalt models are suitable for hot or cold asphalt applications in confined areas.Optimally suited for a variety of compaction applications due to high travel speeds and ease of maneuverability. Gwida għall-manku bil-vibrazzjoni brevettata li żżid il-kumdità tal-operatur u tnaqqas l-għeja. It-tank tal-ilma b'kapaċità kbira u l-ftuħ tal-mili wiesa 'jtejbu l-produttività. Il-pjanċa iebsa tal-ħadid duttili hija estremament durabbli anke f'kundizzjonijiet estremament u tipprovdi għal servizz twil. Kit tar-roti mhux obbligatorju joffri aktar ċaqliq u trasport aktar faċli.

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